Monday, December 14, 2009

Avocados are one of natures best food. They are quite yummy as well if consumed right.
Along with is buttery rich texture they have fiber to help get things moving in the body.

Here is my Avocado sandwich:
2 slices of wheat or whole grain bread
1 or 1/2 slices of avocado
Tablespoon of salsa
Cheese of your choice
Bragg Liquid Amino Acid Sray (found in most health food stores)
pepperchines for a spicy side sensation

A tip I have for those with dry skin is to put Avocado Oil on your skin and even for hair.
Avocado's are one of the richest foods we are blessed with.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Drink it up!

To change things up from the all water consumption I drink tea.
I used to have to drink coffee once awakening but I found it made me dehydrated and jittery for a couple of hours and then I needed more once the crash hit.
Don't get me wrong I think coffee is nice every once and a while but I've found that drinking tea through out the day is best for me.
If your not tea bag patient and on the go like I am most of the time try brewing it in the coffee maker.

Make a pot of tea and let it cool off a bit. I make mine in the evening for the next day.
Get a container that will hold at least a quart and add honey sweetener of choice.
Shake it gently and put it in the fridge over night and then you have instant tea in the morning.
I will sometimes add milk of my choice to it to make a cold green tea latte.

This is a simple and cost effective way to get an extra boost for your busy days.
Green tea is also super good for the body and will help loose a couple of those unwanted pounds.
It's a good ritual to have for your healthy routine.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Live Life on The Wild Side and You'll Grow Some Inspiration.
Now I don't mean going out all night on the town.
Go out one day all day in the beauty of nature. Even if it's just a park.
If you have anything like a hiking trail or body of water that's even better.
Make sure you bring plenty of water and food that your body needs.

Oh, and try not to bring your phone if you can help it.
If your on a trail yes maybe but this is the best medicine for the soul
that doesn't have a price tag.
I only take my MP3 player for really long hikes or walks if I'm by myself.
It's always good to take a partner though unless your in need of some alone time.
The sounds of nature is the most beautiful music and it's so healthy for us to listen to it often.
It's soothing and allows you to think with a little more clarity.

I am a huge fan of swimming. Where ever you feel most safe and not paranoid.
Swimming in the ocean is awesome but if you only have a pool that's cool.
It's such good exercise and leaves you with a cleansing feeling.
So get outside on your next day off and take in the rays.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Every organ in your body needs essential oils to lubricate them and keep them moving.
Omega-3 DHA is an omega combination that also helps with memory, concentration and learning.
I know as I age even after 30 I have those issues from time to time.
This also does help with mood enhancement since it's so nourishing for the brain.
Omega's are super good for your skin and hair so for those want more of a natural glow this is definitely a way to do so.
It also has alpha-linolenic acids from flaxseed, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid. So this product is jammed packed with goodness.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Complete Breakfast Cereal

I’m a little obsessed with making sure I get all required elements that my body needs in a day to stay healthy so I try to fit most of them in before noon to start my day off right.

So here you go.

I start off by putting about a cup of granola in a bowl. Preferably one with berries added and or raisons.

Then I put about half of cup of oatmeal followed with an almond and seed mix with soybeans.

Add about ½ a cup of flaxseed grain with a banana.

To make sure I get enough protein I add a little bit of protein powder followed with soy, rice, or hemp milk.

This is super charged cereal like none other that will fill you up and give your colon a kick start.

Power Breakfast on the go!

If you’re like me in anyway you tend to do things at the very last minute and on top of that try and multi-task. When I have to be somewhere at a certain time especially in the morning I usually don’t have to have a nice charming sit down breakfast. So I like to make a bit healthier version of the king of rock’n roll's favorite sand which. Elvis however liked his fried with powdered sugar.

I make mine with double fiber bread.

All natural peanut butter or you can also try using almond or cashew.

I cut up a banana drizzle honey and top it off with flax meal and slam it together and I’m out the door.

The bag in the picture I purchased at whole foods market. It's supposed to be a shopping bag but I use it as my purse. You can get it for 25 bucks and with that purchase you help feed 100 needy children for the World Food Program.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Boost your metabolism naturally.

In today’s culture it’s easy to only make time for maybe coffee and a banana for breakfast. Whatever is close to work for lunch and pre-packaged or take out for dinner. It’s important to choose wisely in your selections to get your body’s fuel burning clean and charged. To keep a fire burning in fireplace you have to keep adding logs constantly. So if we eat less but intake your grub more often your body will be continually burning energy which will make you feel less loaded down and more on the go.

So if you decide to eat 6 times a day which is just about every 2 hours you will see an automatic change in your body’s function and natural energy levels.
I am a huge advocate of eating at least four raw fruits or veggies a day.
I always look for the fruits in season at the market so you’re not eating the exact same things to break up monotony. You easily carry with you an apple, raw carrots or almonds with you to work or just a day at the park or better yet a tranquil body of water on your free days.
So go ahead and jump on the healthy life wagon and breathe in its energizing air.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bio C Plus

From Nutrilite

Vitamin C is one of the most powerful supplements for our body’s healthy state of being. Remember the stories of Sailors and Pirates getting sick, loosing their teeth and getting extra pruned up from lack of Vitamin C. Not a pretty sight. We cannot naturally store The C nor make it in anyway. Bio C Plus is a mixture of Acerola Cherry and ascorbic acid. The Acerola Cherry provides V.I.P. service as a phytonutrient and one of natures providers of The C. A plus to taking C you can get ride of colds and relieve allergies much faster.

So if you don't have an like 5 oranges handy everyday you can pop one of these and get your C.

Monday, September 14, 2009

10 serving Pot Roast

I am a huge fan of the crock pot. All you have to do is buy the ingredients and cut up a few things and throw them all together and let it cook over night or all day. Plus you can get about 10 meals out of about 15 bucks in food and your eating whole ingredients without preservatives.

Here’s all you need:

1 chopped up clove of garlic

1 chopped onion

1 roast

Bag of baby carrots

Bag of small potatoes

Italian parsley

Sun dried tomatoes or just tomatoes



Grill Mates seasoning (over the meat)

Worcestershire sauce (over the meat)

Crushed red pepper


Creole Seasoning

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rhodiola 110

I have many a steps to walk in a day especially when your rest room is over 200 meters away. I get very exhausted in parts of day depends on the day. I pretty much found a magic pill. It gives me energy with out feeling hyped up. It’s very comparable to that some odd amount of hour energy wonder. The catch is that it’s much easier on the expense account.

Rhodiola 110 comes in a 60 tablet bottle. You can take it up to 2 times daily but I personally only take when needed. It gives you maximum energy potential for working out or just plan work. Rhodiola was discovered after the cold war ended.

It’s the only plant that survives in the polar mountains of Siberia. The Russians used to give it to their Olympic Athletes which would allow them to train every single day. It aids to the body’s ligament and tissue so you don’t have to take rest days.

Rhodiola 110 has added green tea, vitamin C, spinach and Acerola Cherry for an extra boost for the body. So instead of that morning cup of coffee or super shaky energy drink you can just pop a Rhodiola with a healthy cup of orange or apple juice. The money you would save you can now afford to treat yourself with a nice yummy smoothie in the afternoon for the good of your temple.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

In this economy everyone is concerned about saving money in any way. Most people believe that it’s too expensive to eat healthy. Not true entirely.
I advise anyone to find a farmers market or a place where local farmers provide the produce and other specialty items. I found a particular one in California where it’s almost impossible to find inexpensive produce. I created a meal for about one dollar. I hope you come to enjoy it. Here’s what you need.

3 corn tortillas
1 avocado (2 for a dollar by the way)
1 cup of dried peas
Lemon Slice

Monday, September 7, 2009

Nutrilite Double- X Vitamin/Mineral/ Phytonutrient

To be healthy you need to live healthy. You Are What You Eat.
In life we have too many choices in the day as well as the night. A tad bit more bad choices do happen after midnight though, am I wrong? So it’s good to stay away from the vampires that want to suck your wallet while sipping your last bit of crown and coke. So, without proper rest as well as exercise we tend to make poor decisions especially in the area of consumption. Our Body needs energy from natural foods to perform at its healthiest and highest level.

The food we consume is mostly tampered with and has added elements that can be harmful to us. I don’t really think that BHT added to packaging material to preserve freshness is such a good thing. Do you know what it is? Sounds like a group in the early 90’s. Oh the amazements of growing older. I pretty much choose to eat food in its most raw form so I know what’s going down the hatch. The only unfortunate to that preference is that it’s difficult for most of most of us to find organic and pesticide free food. Not to mention food grown in rich healthy and non-depleted soil. I don’t think cheetos are in the dairy food group either. So unless you live on a farm I think it’s really smart to get educated on what you’re putting in past your smackers.

Most of the body’s aliments are caused from malnutrition, poor diet and toxicity.
So to enhance my human condition I take vitamins and minerals for added support. When you feed your cells the right combination of elements it enables them to perform at top levels. Not only does your body feel the benefits but so does your state of being. I don’t know about you but I’m a little tired of seeing an Anti-depressant commercial every other commercial when I watch TV. That’s probably the first clue I need to stop watching television or just stick to Netflix.
What I’m trying to convey is that with your choice of taking better care of yourself you will feel a sense of happiness that will give you the strength to go on with your daily life tasks with more energy. Like doing the dishes, cleaning the house or going to work! Wasn’t slave labor abolished in 1865. Well what ever the cause is you need Healthy Energy.

My upmost favorite choice for a mineral/ vitamin/ phytonutrient combo is from Nutrilite --> called DoubleX. It’s all you need in 3 easy to pop pills and it comes in a cool recyclable container. It has more B vitamins than leading store bought brands and even improves blood nutrient levels. This supplement alone helps support a healthy heart, brain, eyes, skin, bones, and your oh so important immune system to help fight off the swine flu.

Let’s face it, we only have one physical body. By taking natural supplements, taking vitamins everyday, active daily exercising and eating right we are giving our bodies the best possible care. When you provide your body with top of the line and straight from the ground ingredients you have automatically increased your chances of staying healthier, longer. Better yet you don’t even have to get in your car and waste your precious gas to get it; you can order it online right here.

To Order Your Nutrilite Double- X Vitamin/Mineral/ Phytonutrient contact me at

God Bless You!

Amber Lee Duke